I’m a bit terrible at this. My last post was November 7th, still in my second trimester. I’m currently 32 weeks and 2 days along, with less than 8 weeks to go. I probably should be more frequent with this, and it’s not like I haven’t had the time, but I’m easily preoccupied with other things.

I have been crawling the internet, integrating myself into various “mom” communities, researching, trying my best to figure out preferences for things I can’t possible fathom until I’m actually done with the being pregnant part. The Mom Side of the Internet is fascinating, and there’s a Facebook group, twitter hashtag, and blog for just about every interest you could imagine. I found myself in a group for women who are extremely passionate about buying a specific brand of baby blanket (I now own a couple and think they are pretty fabulous), severalĀ for moms who like buying pretty woven wraps and fastening their babies to themselves in various positions, almost a dozen just about cloth diapering, and an especially useful support group for people with my newest diagnosis – gestational diabetes.

I think I’d prefer a different name for the condition, because it’s temporary (hence the gestational) and it’s a hormonal issue between my body and my pancreas. Unfortunately, the diagnosis has landed me in the High Risk Pregnancy category at the hospital here. Thank GOODNESS my sister is a registered dietitian and all around food wizard otherwise I would be lost. Although I manage blood sugar numbers effectively with diet and going on walks, there is a fuss being made already with twice weekly doctor visits and weekly trips to a Certified Diabetes Educator, and everyone telling me that they will probably want to induce me early. The baby is on track to weigh something normal, although my weekly ultrasound so far has indicated the baby has a huge head in the 99th percentile. I am trying not to let the physicians and nurses and techs scare me or talk me into doing anything I am not interested in doing. I still have almost two months to figure out what feels right.

We are just about set up as far as baby stuff, I think. Crib? Check. Stroller? Check. Outfits? Check. Carseat? Check. I’m probably missing a million useful things but I really don’t think I’ll know exactly what I need and it’s hard to think about right now with all of the blood sugar management and strict meal schedule I’m on. I barely have time to think about being ready when all I think about all day is counting my carbs.


Coming Soon! <3