I am 39weeks+1day now and I really hope we are on the home stretch. I missed updating last week after my ultrasound (7lbs 11oz then) and non-stress test. It mostly justĀ another doctor telling me he wanted to induce me Monday, which happens to be today, because of “risks”. Aside from doctors saying empty things like “still birth” or “intrauterine fetal death”, they don’t have much else to tell me about the risks. My blood sugar is still doing alright, and as of today, Aurora is measuring 8lbs4oz, which is just about on track. Measuring two days ahead size wise doesn’t really seem like a particularly huge red flag to me, and one of my doctors supports my decision to just wait and see when the baby wants to be ready.

I don’t feel like there is a health emergency for either of us. A lot of mothers with gestational diabetes have a much rougher time of things, especially this far along. The support group is full of women on insulin and glyburide still unable to control their blood sugar even with the proper diet. Their fluids are low or too high, they have pre-eclampsia, they have aging/failing placentas. I think I might be able to approach this from a “we better hurry this along” perspective if any of those things were the case for me, but as long as she keeps passing the tests, I will keep wanting to wait.

Jake and I got colds over the weekend, and I’m hoping at the very least that Aurora can wait until that all clears up for me before she decides to make her debut. We spent our weekend pitifully locked indoors, playing video games, musing about starting our own babywearing lending library, and eating hot soup.

Photo from ourĀ last ultrasound (!!!). Tilt your head to the right and squint, she’s making a kissy face.